Book of 1 thessalonians commentary 18

This summary of the book of 1 thessalonians provides information about the title, author s, date of writing, chronology, theme, theology, outline, a brief overview, and the chapters of the book of 1 thessalonians. Pratte, 2016 bible study questions on the book of 1 thessalonians introduction. Here, paul gives his final instructions to the church at thessaloniki, calling them to love, act justly, and do the will of god. The message of 1 and 2 thessalonians bible speaks today. David guzik commentary on 1 thessalonians 1 describes how the gospel caused changes in the tessalonian christians, which caused them to become. Support for this comes from timelines given in the book acts which have been coupled with accounts of roman and jewish history. It was a great commercial center of pauls time, the inhabitants being greeks, romans and jews. The gospel of christ at first met with much opposition. In the church of thessalonica there were some misunderstandings about the return of christ. That is because and this is the second assurance paul is writing this in order to encourage his readers. The recording is dramatized, from the king james bible.

Gives them exhortations concerning continence, chastity, and matrimonial fidelity, 38. To the greek mind, the resurrection of the body was an absurd idea. Apr 01, 2020 nathan eubank, 1 2 thessalonians, catholic commentary on sacred scripture grand rapids. It was founded by cassander, king of macedon 315 b. Bible study questions on the book of 1 thessalonians. The book ends with final instructions of living the christian life. The second advent will also be with the clouds of heaven 1 thessalonians 4. He is not visible, he is not persuadable, he must be resisted. He tells them that the people who have died in christ jesus will also go to heaven when he comes back 1 thessalonians 4. This term i am once again teaching pauline literature. There are similarities between 1 thessalonians 4 and the gospel accounts.

Suffering in a good cause should sharpen holy resolution. It was the first he wrote to european christians, and in it the fundamental things of the christian life are very clearly set forth. Thessalonica was and still is an important seaport about 185 miles 300 km north of athens. It was after timothy and silvanus rejoined paul in corinth acts 18. For we wanted to come to you i, paul, more than once and yet satan hindered us. Satan does all he can to hinder the preaching of the gospel, the hearing of the word. Here, at least, paul does not get into a discussion of what happens to those who are not believers. This has become one of my favorite volumes in this series.

Paul undoubtedly had multiple reasons for writing, all coming out of this supreme concern for the flock from which he had been separated. His design is to dissuade them from excessive grief, or inordinate sorrow, on that account. In pauls day, the region in which thessalonica was located was known as macedonia. Aug 31, 2014 living to please god 4 as for other matters, brothers and sisters, we instructed you how to live in order to please god, as in fact you are living. Ministering with sensitivity and love 1 thessalonians 5. However, they were able to remain in thessalonica for only a short timeperhaps no longer than three weeks acts. They dont need to worry about when that day will come, because that is in the lords hands. Thus, the second coming seems to permeate the letter and may be viewed in some sense as its theme. Not only that, but he tells them how they can accomplish all this. In the first sense the apostles alone received this holy spirit. The apostle exhorts them to attend to the directions which he had already given them, that they might know how to walk and please god, 1,2. As an aside, many are surprised to discover that allusions direct and indirect to the lord jesus.

The echoes of the gospel writers continue with pauls assertion that jesus will return with the sound of trumpets. Every chapter of 1 thessalonians ends with a reference to the second coming of christ, with ch. They are not dead but only sleeping, because jesus will awaken them on the last day 1 thess. It is helpful to trace the locations of paul and his companions that relate to the thessalonian correspondence. Enduring word bible commentary 1 thessalonians chapter 1. The letters called epistles from paul to thessalonica, which included i thessalonians and ii thessalonians were probably two of the earliest letters paul had written which was around a. Responsibilities in the local church 1 thessalonians 5. Eubank then offers his own translation of 1 thessalonians 2. All believers will meet jesus in the air to begin an eternity spent with the lord 1 thessalonians 4.

Not only are there hindrances, there is a personal hinderer. The holy bible book 52 1 thessalonians kjv dramatized. The first three chapters are about paul longing to visit the church in thessalonica but not being able to because satan stopped them 1 thessalonians 2. Satan does all he can to hinder the preaching of the gospel, the hearing of the word, the profession of religion, and the saints coming together, and having spiritual. Such sins were common in the city in which they lived. All grief for the death of friends is far from being unlawful.

Replaces the book, the gospel and the end of time, which received a christianity today 1992 readers choice award digging into pauls letters to the thessalonians, john r. First thessalonians provides christians with the clearest biblical passage on the coming rapture of believers, an event that will inaugurate the sevenyear tribulation. Book of 1 thessalonians matthew henry bible commentary. Satan hindered him, either by raising up disputes against the gospel at athens by the philosophers there, which he was concerned to stay and answer, acts 17. He thanks them for becoming examples of faithfulness and love for all the followers throughout greece. View chuck swindolls chart of first thessalonians, which divides the book into major sections and highlights themes and key verses. This hinderer assails the most eminent workers in the church. Paul, silvanus also known as silas, and timothy were the founding fathers of the church in thessalonica. Check out this summary and commentary and the book of i thessalonians. Speaks concerning their love to each other, and love to the churches of christ.

From the more general conception of an adversary, there is, in the o. Verses 18 in these words the apostle comforts the thessalonians who mourned for the death of their relations and friends that died in the lord. Of 22 instances of only 9 are outside of the book of job. One of the new books i assigned to students is nathan eubanks recently published commentary on 12 thessalonians in the catholic commentary on sacred scripture series baker academic, 2019. Constables notes on 1 thessalonians 2020 edition could have been his first inspired epistle. Living to please god 4 as for other matters, brothers and sisters, we instructed you how to live in order to please god, as in fact you are living. For ye yourselves are taught of god to love one another. While the thessalonian christians loved one another, paul urges them to.

Book of first thessalonians overview insight for living. Now we ask you and urge you in the lord jesus to do this more and more. Read 1 thessalonians commentary using john gills exposition of the bible. Living in light of the lords return 1 thessalonians 5. Summary of the book of 1 thessalonians bible survey.

Impressed by the faithfulness of the thessalonians in the face of persecution, paul wrote to encourage the christians in that community with the goal that they would continue to grow in godliness. Not long after this, silas and timothy returned from macedonia with the report which issued in pauls writing 1 thessalonians acts 18. Grace be unto you, and peace, from god our father, and the lord jesus christ. I will speak of this letter as though it had chapters. The lord himself the lord christ, arrayed in all his own glory, and in that of his father.

Study 1 thessalonians using matthew henry bible commentary complete to better understand scripture with full outline and verse meaning. The book of 1 thessalonians was written in approximately a. This aspect is quite different from his catastrophic and cataclysmic coming in glory to establish his kingdom by putting down all unrighteousness revelation 19. Study the bible online using commentary on 1 thessalonians and more. As his custom was upon arrival, he sought out the synagogue in which to teach the local jews the gospel acts 17. A free bible commentary on the first letter to the thessalonians in easyenglish. God had told them to go and tell people the gospel of jesus christ. This is the holy book of 1 thessalonians, known as the first epistle of paul the apostle to the thessalonians. To confirm young converts in the elementary truth of the gospel. Therefore, encourage one another with these words 1 thessalonians 4. Check out the reaction to pauls sermon in athens in acts 17. It still exists under the name of saloniki, and has a population of from 75,000 to. Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks.