Journal response to a book

Depending on your feelings towards the english language and the study of its literature, the thought of. We are writers, and so it is even more helpful for us to journal. Consider reading the diaries, logs, or journals that great writers have kept about their reading experiences. Stepbystep guide to writing a great reading response paper. Keeping a reading log or book journal can work well for poetry, plays, and other works of literature as well, though you may want to adjust the questions accordingly. This is a quick introduction to reading response journals that can be used for grades 2 and up. Book reports, literature response, predicting and inferring worksheets for learners to use when responding to reading.

Here are 20 interesting literature response questions to use for discussion during literature circles or as writing prompts. It is how i remember the travels ive taken, the life experiences ive enjoyed, and the litter boxes ive cleaned. Journaling is a great way to process what youve read and develop your understanding of the text. What is the most interesting thing you know about the main character of your book. Most of the time when you are tasked with an essay about a book or article youve read for a class, you will be expected to write in a professional and impersonal voice. Many teachers give response journal assignments to help students clarify whats read, solidify. It was quite fun in those days because the professor. If you read a lot of books on a regular basis, it can be a great idea to keep a book journal. I enjoy writing and analyzing my response to the things i read. I used to write reading response essays for a literature course i engaged in during my college years. Let me share with you some tips from my journaling experience for how to write a journal. Taking a more personal, less formal approach to writing about literature, these brief papers offer the chance to respond to required reading in a way that fits your interests and learning style.